Premier Drug Pricing Services


DMD America State Compliance Service

For over a decade, DMD America has assisted our clients in complying with Vermont’s Pharmaceutical Marketer Price Disclosure law and, more recently, Colorado’s Drug Price Transparency law. Our full-service program builds and updates your compliance forms from the ground up, so you don’t have to.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with additional government transparency laws and/or compliance needs that you may have.

Contact us so we can work with your team to provide a quote for these services.

Already producing these forms? We offer a no-cost analysis of any form you submit with our expert feedback. You have nothing to lose!


Vermont’s Pharmaceutical Marketer Price Disclosure law, 18 V.S.A. § 4633, requires pharmaceutical marketers to provide prescribers with comparative price information, so they can take list price into consideration when prescribing drugs within a therapeutic class.

Detailing: Pharmaceutical Marketer Price Disclosure Law

Guide to Vermont’s Pharmaceutical Marketer Price Disclosure Law


Colorado’s HB19-1131 Prescription Drug Cost Education Act requires a drug manufacturer, or a representative, agent, or employee of the manufacturer, who while employed by or under contract to represent a manufacturer engages in prescription drug marketing, to provide to a prescriber, in writing, the wholesale acquisition cost of a prescription drug when, in the course of conducting business, the manufacturer, representative, agent, or employee provides information concerning the drug to the prescriber.

The act also requires the drug manufacturer, or a representative, agent, or employee of the manufacturer, to disseminate the names of at least 3 generic prescription drugs from the same therapeutic class, or if 3 are not available, as many as are available for prescriptive use.

Prescription Drug Cost Education